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How to protect the tent from wind?


Advertising promotion tent is a commonly used promotion tent product, which needs to be used in the field for a long time. When using a tent in the wild, it is often necessary to prevent the wind from being right or wrong. If no effective windproof method is used, the advertising promotion tent will be easily damaged by the wind, and the entire tent may even be lifted or blown away when the wind is strong. So how can advertising promotion tents be windproof? The following editor will introduce in detail the windproof methods of advertising promotion tents.


Windproof method of advertising promotion tent

1. Combination of multiple advertising promotion tents: When several advertising tents are operated in a row, the tent legs adjacent to the advertising tent should be tied with a tie or rope to make it a whole to strengthen its resistance. For wind power, do not wrap the two advertising tent legs with tape when binding, otherwise the residue of the tape will seriously affect the up and down sliding of the sleeve on the advertising tent feet.

2. Use of a single advertising tent: When a single advertising tent is used for outdoor display operations, special attention should be paid to wind protection. When the guards leave temporarily, the feet of the advertising tent should be lowered, that is, the inner feet should be retracted into the outer feet, so as to effectively avoid wind damage.

3. When it is found that any of the brackets in the field advertising tent frame is bent or deformed, it should be stopped and repaired immediately, and the operation can be continued after the fault is eliminated.

The windproof methods of advertising promotion tents have been introduced. When using advertising promotion tents for publicity, there must be certain windproof methods, which can avoid the problem of the collapse of advertising promotion tents and allow customers to better promote promotion.



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